
PCBs Are Here

A project log for Nyan Board

A small ATtiny85 board playing the Nyan Cat tune.

dehipudeʃhipu 10/23/2015 at 09:102 Comments

So the PCBs arrived today. I must say that they look much smaller than they looked in Fritzing. Right off the bat I can see two pretty bad mistakes.

First, I made some connections between them at the last minute, because @davedarko pointed out that DirtyPCBs don't accept disconnected boards. The connections were some very small rectangles. I can see in the fabricated boards that they were enlarged consireably -- probably to make the whole thing more stable less prone to breaking on its own. Oh well, I will just have to dremel them to the right shape.

Second, the top two cats have a different design for the eyes -- the LEDs are on the back side, and there are holes through which they should shine. Those holes should not be metalized, as they touch the LED pads on both sides, and I designed them as non-metalized in Fritzing. DirtyPCBs made them metalized anyways -- probably a because they touched a pad and their software does that then. Oh well, some more dremeling.

Other than that it looks good and I will start assembling them as soon as I find where I misplaced my attiny85s, or the new batch that I ordered arrives, whichever comes first.


davedarko wrote 10/23/2015 at 10:46 point

You could (could you?) use duo LEDs for cyclops cats.

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deʃhipu wrote 10/23/2015 at 10:42 point

Found the little buggers. Turns out they were in a tube, and I was looking for a reel.

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