
IMU troubles

A project log for BorgCube ROV

Underwater robots!

tim-wilkinsonTim Wilkinson 03/04/2016 at 21:581 Comment

A functioning IMU is essential to the BorgCube because I intend to use it to maintain the craft's balance. However, the IMU I'm using will often loose calibration at unexpected moments. Oddly this is particularly prone to happen when I turn on the lights! Looking over my PCB design, the 12V track which powers the lights passes within 10mm of the IMU. I haven't seen any design notes from Bosch regarding device placement, but it seems that this is too close.

More experimentation is required, but I intend a place an addition IMU in the forward capsule containing the cameras. We'll see how they do working together.


Tim Wilkinson wrote 03/05/2016 at 01:04 point

Update: Obviously I can't design a proper GND plane :-( Looking at my PCB I see that this part of the board has a very poor GND plane. If I "fix" that with a jumper wire, the IMU stops failing.

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