
Steer Part 1

A project log for Real Scania Truck Home Simulator

The Scrapyard and Arduino make a great combination!

jeroen-van-der-veldenJeroen van der Velden 02/20/2016 at 19:070 Comments

We made a start on the Steer. Its not the final solution but for now it seems to do the job very well!

We used a Logitech Driving Force GT 900 degrees FFB USB Wheel. In ETS2 900 degrees gives a 1:1 ratio. My dad made a disk on the wheel and in the center he connected a universal joint from an old tool box. We cut off the steering shaft to and put in a pipe. We haven't tested it yet but it feels and looks clean and just perfect for the beginning.

Picture Below:

The gold colored pipe is the original Scania Shaft.

Picture Below:

A rusty cheap universal joint was used, I will test it and if it suits our need I will buy a High Quality U-Joint and replace it.

Keep following, a Youtube Video will be made soon!
