
What features/design changes would you like to see in R1.2?

A project log for Atmega328P Target

Yet another dev board for the Atmega328P

mcunerdmcu_nerd 03/12/2018 at 21:480 Comments

Of course not too long after I got my revision 1.1 board, I've made some changes to the board yet again (adding a DTR line for bootloader friendliness, removed the 3 pin servo header, and added an electrolytic cap to help further smooth the supply voltage.) That revision is being called 1.2 but I have yet to send that off to be made, so I have no qualms with modifying it further.  

If anyone has any ideas be sure to comment below.  Hitting the like button on the project would be much appreciated as I get $1 for every like as I entered it into the 2018 HAD prize.
