
The joys of shipping

A project log for 1 Square Inch of Power

An MPPT solar boost converter with 3.3v Output and Supercap energy storage.

ozqubeOzQube 01/16/2016 at 06:220 Comments

Just a quick update......but nothing useful really.

The Supercaps that were ordered from AliExpress on 22nd Dec still haven't arrived, although other items ordered on the same day have arrived. So it shouldn't be too long before I can complete the module and test it properly.

Originally, I was going to solder the solar panel directly onto the power supply board using regular pin headers. The problem is that it's hard to get access to the board to switch out the MPPT resistors ( If a different panel is used).

I might get some tall headers like these:

Lets see what the postman brings next week!
