
Still printing parts....

A project log for Remote Control Land Strider

I got it in my head to build a Land Strider, pretty much just because I think they're neat.

douglas-millerDouglas Miller 12/14/2015 at 18:120 Comments

It's going to take a LONG time to get all the parts printed out. Easily well over one hundred printed parts by the time it's all said and done, and some of them are over four and a half hours each. I do have one advantage in that regard: where I live is not only the home of the Midwest RepRap Festival (a place I intend to show this off this spring!), but it's also the home of SeeMeCNC and their great delta printers. Being friends with the crew there helps a lot, I need anything I just hop across town and sit and bullshit with them for a while. I like their printers enough I even got my wife a job there! Lol.

I bring that up for another reason: My intention is to mount one of their Rostok Max V2 3D printers on this thing, and with the addition of the WIFI camera I just ordered for it, drive it around FPV. I might even let them take it to shows with them, if they ask real nice! :P
