
A first look at Finesse

A project log for Standing waves of sound

An ultrasonic interferometer is assembled from optical drive components, 3d-printed parts and an ultrasonic range-finder.

andrew-fergusonAndrew Ferguson 12/21/2015 at 21:371 Comment

A key figure of merit for a Fabry-Perot interferometer is the Finesse.

Finesse = (full width @ half maximum of the intensity maxima) / (separation of maxima). Since the Finesse relates to the intensity maxima we have to square the voltage measured by the diode: it measures amplitude in the present configuration, where it acts as a half wave rectifier. An intensity graph is plotted below, from which it is possible to determine the width and position of the peaks.

Doing so we find the following data:

Peak order Centre (mm)Full width half maximum (mm)

Finally, we are able to determine an average Finesse of 66, for these peaks. It is an interesting quantity since it relates to power reflection coefficient from the mirrors and also to how well it acts as a spectrometer, given by its resolving power. More of all this in a following log entry.


Andrew Ferguson wrote 12/22/2015 at 19:48 point

Oops. Clearly should have written:

Finesse = (separation of intensity maxima)/(full width @ half maximum of these)

All numbers are unaffected. 

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