
Wooden Toy Car

A project log for Barb Makes Things

Custom DIY projects in high speed, every Tuesday.

barbbarb 01/12/2016 at 16:090 Comments

Sometimes, I make practical things, sometimes I build a ramp and it needs things to fly off of it.

I'm lead tinkering instructor at reDiscover Center in Culver City, CA, where we teach kids to use power tools safely and help them work through the whole design/making process. The new year brings new classes, and Sunday the 17th is the first day of the new Race Cars series. We'll start out making small cars roughly this size, and ultimately everyone will build their own car that they can ride in.

In the meantime, enjoy this video of me making a toy car (mostly) at reDiscover Center (i did some detail work at home, though we do have a dremel at rDC).
