
Lesson learned: ABS is for LEGOs and 3D printing, NOT for antenna masts

A project log for Near-vertical Incidence Skywave Antenna

DIY version of the military AS-2259 NVIS antenna for regional comms on HF.

dan-maloneyDan Maloney 01/02/2016 at 17:170 Comments

Version 1.0 of this was going to be a super-portable, lightweight design using three 5' sections of plastic pipe. I chose 1-1/2" ABS pipe because it was locally available, I could get a cap fitting with a flat top, and the matte black finish had a tacti-cool vibe. I won't bother going over the construction details for the mast because it was an utter failure. To say it was limp as wet spaghetti is an insult to pasta products the world over.
