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A project log for Hard-cover Video Game Manual

A hardcover manual for the game "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes". Lay-flat style binding.

minifig404minifig404 07/16/2016 at 14:250 Comments

I finished this months ago, and it works, but I did the binding poorly, and so the book doesn't work very well. I don't have the materials to redo this particular book, so it's going to be left in its present (working poorly) state.

The mistake I made was that I left too much slack in the spine portion of the cover, and made the chipboard covers go all the way to the spine of the book. Combine that with some rather imprecise alignments while gluing the pages together, and the book is just a total pain to work with.

Because of the problems listed above, I've had a hard time finishing up the documentation. The process I've used is basically correct, but I didn't execute it correctly.
