
Folded Arm3 into Robot Overlord

A project log for 5+ Axis Robot Arm

Building an open source robot arm for makers and small businesses

dan-royerDan Royer 04/01/2016 at 15:480 Comments

instagram doesn't embed, boo hiss.

Yesterday I moved the software for controlling the arm from to I, for one, welcome this move.

I also completed the merge of the older Arm3 into Robot Overlord, along side the Evil Minion (5 axis), the Delta Robot, the Stewart Platform, and Spidee (crab robot). The only robot that isn't merged is the Makelangelo, which has been eating all my time by being very very popular.

Also last week I was looking at and I see @Andreas Hoelldorfer has used a camera quick-connect for his tool changer. Great minds think alike!
