
milestone: it lives!

A project log for PiBoy-Zero

yet another portable console! ;-) roughly the size of a gameboy micro, with a 2.2" display

johschneiderJohSchneider 04/09/2016 at 15:276 Comments

for the thirtieth log something special - it lives! :-D

- battery: check

- display: check

- controls: check

- sound: check

all systems go:

there are still many rough spots:

- on the software side there are many daemons still missing (pwm back-light, power management, ...)

- the system needs further configuration: the buttons currently only work in emulation-station menu, not the emulators (probably sth minor)

- the case needs further refinement, lots of sanding, priming and a few layers of paint :-)

- the setup/configuration steps need more documentation or better: scripted as far as possible (rough script already on github)

- print and assembly instructions?


Asanchezor wrote 04/20/2016 at 21:16 point

congrats, looking forward for future update

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Mark Kuhlmann wrote 04/11/2016 at 12:08 point

Looks great. I was about to order all the components from the BOM but the only thing that's on backorder is the ALPS switch. Any ideas on an equivalent from elsewhere?

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JohSchneider wrote 04/13/2016 at 14:13 point

sorry no - ordered mine from mouser weeks the time they had plenty :-s

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Craig Hissett wrote 04/09/2016 at 18:08 point


Well done man, well done!

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arnaud.durand wrote 04/11/2016 at 00:46 point

+1 congrats!

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JohSchneider wrote 04/13/2016 at 14:13 point

thnx! - but still not finished :-D

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