
Rocket Control Boards Ordered

A project log for Active Stabilization Rocket System

Use control systems to control and stabilize a Amateur Rocket

jeremy-hallJeremy Hall 09/04/2016 at 14:061 Comment

I spent all of yesterday and most of this morning working on my first actual version that I have ordered from OSHPark. This is about my 3rd time designing this board and it came out wonderful and has became very small. Here are some images:

This is much smaller and more compact and I will probably be using this in my first launch if all goes well.

I will be uploading the schematics and board files to Github today and heres a link to the project on OSHPark if you want to order when I confirm they work properly. Order

Later today and tomorrow I will be designing the fins for this rocket and will probably be ordering them tomorrow.

-Jeremy Hall

(Shoutout to OSHpark because they are awesome)

(Edit: Forgot links)


oshpark wrote 09/06/2016 at 05:59 point

very cool!   we look forward to seeing future updates!

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