
HT16K33 to help with my ancient ancient displays

A project log for blinking things

this is a rebranded project, sorry guys. take your skulls/likes back if you want :)

davedarkodavedarko 10/13/2016 at 09:344 Comments
So at first I was about to edge a board and use some L2803s and 595s Shift registers, but then I saw that the HT16K33 matrix controllers are now so cheap that I bought 5 for 6,50 Euros. Lucky me, I've mistakenly marked the cathodes with red pins - but the math checks out. I have 3x5 positive pins and and 3x6 negative pins, so that makes 15 rows and 6 common columns - yay. 0x01 notes for the future - can anyone have too many displays?
0x02 NTTF - Stargate LED matrices0x02 NTTF - Stargate LED matrices [UPDATE]


Eric Hertz wrote 10/13/2016 at 10:09 point

"gaters gonna gate" :)

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davedarko wrote 10/13/2016 at 10:23 point

the "ancients" font is displayable with a 3x4 matrix/display :) and numbers with 3x5.

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Eric Hertz wrote 10/13/2016 at 10:38 point

Cool about the "ancients"... and I learned about numbers in 3x5 from your "nixie" project :)

Did you see the groovy blinkies I invested in recently? They look normal at first, but they've a slight twist:

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davedarko wrote 10/13/2016 at 10:49 point

uh, nice. reminds me of my HPDL1414s :)

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