
Demo series: Servo Demo

A project log for T85 Target

A mini Attiny85 target dev board

mcunerdmcu_nerd 03/26/2016 at 16:110 Comments

I'm thinking about starting a demo series of sorts. Every so often I'll post a demo project to demonstrate what all can be done with the Attiny85. The Attiny85 isn't exactly the mcu that has every feature under the sun, but it's surprisingly useful even though it only has a few I/O pins.

I thought I would post my demo code for controlling a cheap SG90 servo motor. It uses pin 6 to generate a PWM signal that is fed into the signal input of the servo. The code is posted in the demos folder on the GitHub page.

Again if anybody has any suggestions for a 4th revision, please feel free to let me know.
