
Amazon Dash

A project log for Amazon Dash and other STM32 ARM Adventures

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georgeGeorge 02/25/2016 at 01:371 Comment

Nothing to see here. An Amazon Dash splayed out in the spirit of dekuNukem's git repository.

I'm mildly interested in hooking this up to my ST-Link V2, because "hacking" it with a Node.js or python script running on a Raspberry Pi is kind of played out... and cheating.

After this picture was taken, the 26AWG wiring ripped the SWCLK pad clean off. A bit of Googling shows that a AXE610124 fits the connector header to the right of the pads. I found continuity between SWDIO and one of the pins, so maybe it'll work. I've ordered a few from Digi-Key and we'll see what happens...


Jarrett wrote 03/01/2016 at 16:38 point

Hot glue! On multiple points along the wire, anchoring it to other parts of the PCB.

I've lifted pads way too many times :

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