
Amazon Dash UART output

A project log for Amazon Dash and other STM32 ARM Adventures

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georgeGeorge 02/26/2016 at 00:410 Comments

Here's the serial UART output of an Amazon Dash.

Oft DVT_1.0-Oft  v0.9.119

Oft SW build on Oft Rev05 HW platform, custom version Mar  9 2015 19:50:48

Registration failure=0
RegGetFailure = 0
DumpRTCRegs:  S=01000000 W=00000000 A=00000000 P=00000000 F=00000000 D=02000000 C=00000101 T=00000000

kVersion: 90011920
PWR flags: SB=0 LPWR=0 WWDG=0 IWDG=0 SFT=0 POR=1 PIN=1 BOR=1
Getting time in RTC_Init: GetRTCDateTime: 2088656913 Thu Feb  1 00:00:17 1900

MAC addr:tag = 0xbb len = 0x08 val = f0 27 2d 9b fb da
Serial:tag = 0xcc len = 0x12 val = 47 30 33 30 47 30 30 35 35 34 34 32 33 35 37 35

Key:tag = 0xaa len = 0x16 val = 4a 47 4d 49 53 4e 46 5a 32 4b 47 4e 59 51 50 53
 32 46 33 31

post gBATTERYPercentage = (0%) [223]
VBAT = 0.223V (0%)
Low battery!  0% < 25%
DEAD BATTERY: 0% < 5% Shutting down power
shutdown called
Failed transactions = 0
iTOC_Pending_Rd = 0, iTOC_Next_Wr = 0Failed transactions = 0
Turning off power via latch switch

SEC_RetrToken returns bHaveRegToken 0
iTOC_Pending_Rd = 32768, iTOC_Next_Wr = 32768Failed transactions = 0
SyncTOC: rd 0x8000; wr 0x8000; tid 0x0; eod 0x0
while loop in TRANS_ThreaTimbeginbegin while true loop gUpTimeLimit 32000
**Device not registered
shutdown called
Failed transactions = 0
iTOC_Pending_Rd = 32768, iTOC_Next_Wr = 32768Failed transactions = 0
Turning off power via latch switch
