

A project log for R.Ian, simple and easy built robot for education

R.Ian is meant so be simple to build but have interesting capabilities useful for teaching programming

audrey-robinelAudrey Robinel 02/28/2016 at 06:530 Comments

I want this robot to be simple. One way to make a really simple robot is to use continuous rotation servos. This is the plan for R.Ian. I have FITEC FS90R continuous rotation servomotors in my parts box, and thus i will use them for the first version of this robot.

Here is what it looks like :

FEETECH FS90R Micro Continuous Rotation Servo

The specs at 6V are the following :

Those are cheap servos, i paid 5$ each at Pololu (product 2820).

A pair of those will use 2 digital pins on an Arduino, with an approximative speed control (well not really accurate without any feedback, and we'll se how accurate we can get with feedback).

However, i did forget to take the corresponding wheels, which is why i'll be designing an printing my own.
