
Catching up on notes...

A project log for Home Automation - Garage Door Opener

Extract best practices from existing garage door projects. Build version that suites my needs; eventually integrate into other HA efforts.

luffmanbluffmanb 03/13/2016 at 22:210 Comments

So far, I've spent several hours researching existing projects and culling the better ideas into a Moleskine notebook (I'm a bit old school when it comes to project journaling). I've also been researching my particular garage door, possible garage door control signalling schemes, and refreshing my knowledge/understanding of the RPi2's GPIO. In addition, I've bought a few parts that I suspect I'll need.

Long story short, I'm wrapping up initial planning/research and will be ready to start actual development/integration/testing when I return from a business trip I'm currently on. Before I left, I managed to run a couple RPi I/O tests on simple stuff for proof of concept and took a few readings from my garage door opener's input points.

Perhaps I'll come back to this post over time and list the links of projects/references that I actually ended up using. (New to, so it all depends on if the environment allows me to update an old post.)

For now, let me start a new post on garage door stuff...
