

Breathlify. A device that gives real-time alerts about any dangers to the workers working in underground coal mines.

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Breathlify is an IoT device made for the workers working in the underground coal mines. Underground coal mines have toxic gases such as Methane, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide, Carbon Dioxide.Sometimes the amount of the gases increases and leads to the death of numerous workers.

Thus, Breathlify is a device that detects the amount of gases in the mines(in ppm). The device uses Node MCU as a wifi device that connects to the repeaters(Client-Server Model). Gas sensors MQ9, and MQ135 would be used to detect the amount of gases in the surrounding. The sensors detect the gases in a ratio of Rs/R0 value that is then converted into ppm.

As soon as a sensor detects a toxic amount of any one particular gas, the device would switch on a red LED. Also, the main station on the ground would be alerted about the workers or an individual worker at risk. The devices would be connected to repeaters and detected using MAC id.
  • 1 × Node MCU
  • 1 × MQ135 Gas Sensor
  • 1 × MQ9 Gas Sensor
  • 1 × Repeater

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