
429 Results for ""

  • vishamiz

  • This website is a place to provide
  • B2

  • Hardware hacker whit CNC education. Love to make things simple for everyone.
  • Ed

  • Likes to play around with tech
  • ed

  • I don’t want to summarize myself.
  • ED

  • Hating job. Looking to make a circus.
  • ed

  • Love to tinker and experiment with different DIY projects
  • Ed

  • Love to tinker on electronics and mechanics. Always fixing something!
  • ed

  • varied intrests ranging from aquaponics to neural nets to cosmology to industrial design
  • Ed

  • New to Raspberry Pi, nearly 40 years computing and electronics. Still plenty to learn!
  • Ed

  • Tech savvy compared to my generation [X], but a noob compared to this creative crowd.