
26 Results for "3D printing"

  • Senake@BuzzTech

  • The inventor of the (1) 3D printer capable of producing fully functional, assembled products (2) next gen packaging
  • Buvanasivaguru

  • I'm an Embedded Systems Developer with 2 years of experience in 3D Printers, IOT, Product Development, and Testing
  • AdamFilip

  • Married to a Great Women, and a Father for 2 wonderful Kids. I am a Photographer & 3D Graphic Designer and a Lucky man
  • Nicholas DiPatri

  • Android Principal 2 Engineer at Comcast w/ EE Degree. 'Maker' at heart and loves to build gadgets using epoxy, 3D prints, microc
  • Floris Remmen

  • I like projects. Whatever makes my life easier. Own 2 3D-printers and a dozen raspberypies. I like bouldering and video games.
  • Tod Shiner

  • Hi, I am retired and play with a 3d printer making electrical gadgets. I ride my 2 stroke bicycle that has 7 speeds for fun.
  • Yuki@Claffin

  • メカトロニクス/デザイン/フリーランスエンジニア, ドローンパイロット/開発者,...