
797 Results for ""

  • ed

  • I like taking thing apart and putting some thing back together the way that works for me
  • ed

  • Nuyorican, Mr Fixity for a steel fab company, There's old soldiers and there are bold soldiers but there's damn few old bold soldiers
  • Ed

  • Mechanical engineer who wants to code and tinker with electronics. Always thinking outside the box, and wonders what's in it!
  • cb22

  • EC engineer currently working as a developer. Hates 140 character limits & bios. Loves Python, hardware hacking and FreeBSD.
  • Sakshi Gupta

  • I'm 1st year student at JSS noida from ec department and i'm really enthusiastic to learn hacking.
  • Arvind Pandit

  • I am an EC Engineering Student. I am very Much Interested in Robotics and working at GTU Robotics Club Since 2018
  • ED

  • If you can drive it, use it, or design with it. Im interested and want to know how it works, but better yet how can it betweaked