
76 Results for ""

  • Ed

  • Tech savvy compared to my generation [X], but a noob compared to this creative crowd.
  • ZakazUA

  • Железнодорожное шоссе, 2А, 4 этаж, Киев, 01103 0800 20 20 20
  • magnus

  • Electronics Engineer that have worked for 20 years with photonics and lately medical X-ray systems.
  • L Santana

  • Multiple spinal surgeries, temporary paralyzed. Limited control of limbs now. Volunteer for new tech to regain my life.
  • Robert Stoddard

  • Former addict. Saved 4/20/14. Found the love of my life @MrsStoddard_ #102613 I love apple products, Jailbreaking, graffiti stickers and vinyl toys.
  • mkain884

  • My name is Manuel and l am 20 years old. I leave in Ghana and l am a student.
  • Chris Gergler

  • What do I use? - Unreal Engine 4 - C++ (11, 17, and 20 when its released) - C# (MVC, ASP.NET, Epicor10 ) - SQL (MS-SQL) - HTML5 - Javascript