
190 Results for "arduino"

  • Draacul

  • Learning everyday: -Milling machine -Lathe -Arduino -Welding -3D Printing -G-Code -CNC routing -Motorized Bicycles -Small Engine
  • erik33

  • Discovered the Arduino platform 7 years ago and since then made some fun and useful projects...
  • Aykut Canturk

  • Programmer, electronic designer, home cnc user, telescope owner, arduino admirer, last stop for my friends with crazy ideas.
  • Peter Lehnér

  • I like to make and hack stuff. I design and 3d print stuff. I play a lot with electronics, arduino, raspberry pi, esp8266 etc.
  • avram.kovacevic

  • I am an hardware and automation developer in progress (xD), I'm very intersted in Arduino projects, robotics and electronics.