
242 Results for "3D%20printing"

  • othman izzo

  • I'm communication engineer, who love to learn new things, I love art for which I became 3d artist with great skills.
  • rd_redford

  • Retired from a career in the computer and networking industries. Half my career was in engineering, the other half in marketing.
  • Enrico Gueli

  • Android engineer by day, tinkerer by night. Love spending time on (almost) useless things and learn something in the process.
  • jsteinberger

  • Oh, no body special, I do lot of thinking but not much making and not much comes of it, but Today I bought a 3D printer.
  • Luis Diaz

  • I run and I'm passionate about DIY projects, 3D printing and I love to learn a new thing everyday.
  • Ron Dear

  • I am a maker and a tinkerer. My interested range from woodworking to 3D printing to electronics to machine learning.