
230 Results for "IoT"


  • Mohammad Selmi, Student Computer Engineer: Embedded system And connected objects C / C ++. I have a dual skills in electronics / IT.
  • John S

  • Software dev with business and manufacturing experience, specializing in knowing a little bit about a lot of different things.
  • Chris

  • Former Mechanical Engineer, current product designer & tinkerer. Need to empty out my basement.
  • Karem Ben Chikha

  • student at National Institute of Applied Science and Technology familiar with C,C++,Python,Java Interested in robotics, image processing and algorithms
  • scenaristeur

  • Projet : Un robot qui range ma chambre. Developpeur fullstack expert en web sémantique, bases de données graphes (RDF/Sparql)
  • pablo Torres

  • Pablo Torres is currently a student of the Master's Degree in Industrial Automation at Galileo University, where he works in the
  • Sarin CR

  • Sarin CR M.Tech MBA, (Ph.D)Asst Professor , Dept of EEE Vimal Jyothi Engineering College.
  • Dad Dad

  • just a hobbyist looking to sharping very dull new skill, looking to learn and protect me self from big brother
  • siefech

  • High School Teacher, Sr. Engineer at Rapid Prototyping Startup, Robotics Coach, Mobile Robotics Consultant.