
25 Results for "python"

  • lb_lb

  • Profesional Java Developer, electronic hobbyst. Searching for refreshment doing diy projects.
  • Joshua

  • Off-grid nerd doing some stuff in radio, microcontrollers, solar, and aviation. I fix things for a living.
  • Marco Romano

  • I tweet about science, infosec, general nerdery, and things that make me laugh. So welcome to the machine...
  • Jaron

  • I'm a Software Engineer that enjoys playing with IoT ideas and small electronic devices that improve my family's well-being.
  • Sam

  • If I had to summarise myself, I'd say I'm the kinda guy that has to write a summary in 128 characters or less
  • IamTeknik

  • I am a computer systems engineer in the making ,currently building a sophisticated home automation A.I system inspired by Iron Man
  • ILLdiablo

  • Im new at tinkering with electronics, so I’m interested in projects that will help me learn more about such things!
  • Andrew Seba

  • Actively seeking a Game Programming career! Participates in Ludum Dare, Heavy Animation background, Mostly proficient in c#, but can do c++,c , python, java.