
11 Results for "3D%20printing"

  • helixbyte

  • Here you'll find different projects related to the universe of robotic, 3D print, programming and many more.
  • J L

  • A mess of 3D printing, hobbyist electronics, CAD (Various) and anything else I might find.
  • megsdal

  • Electrical Engineer from Denmark - Passion in 3D printing, Drones, PCBs and all things that have electricty inside it
  • TopherTMG

  • Prototyping Simple, Pure, Beautiful things with 3D printing, Arduino, Electronics, Custom PCBs, and Software Development
  • Aditya Pradhan

  • I am a student tinkerer , a coder , graphics designer , arduino lover , and am really interested in engineering 3d models .
  • Houkime

  • Generalistic freeroamer novice HW/SW dev. Scientific past. Now trying to make things cheaper. Like, all of them.