
18 Results for "Reverse Engineering Blood Glucose Monitors"

  • Redford

  • Dragon Sector CTF team vice-captain, interested mainly in reverse engineering, computer architecture and cryptography.
  • Uri

  • A human that finds reverse engineering almost anything a good time.
  • Nandha

  • Software Developer interested learn IOT Hardware Penetration and Reverse Engineering
  • gram

  • If I am not solving a problem, I am creating one. Friendly to all.
  • Glenn / devalias

  • Hack. Dev. Transcend. // Polyglot Developer | Ethical Hacker | Biohacker | Youth Tech Advocate | Certified Bulletproof Coach // Opinions are my own
  • nahafner81

  • 34, year army combat vet. Trying to find myself after getting out of a career and life that iahighly structured.
  • SouthboundSuarez

  • Just a monkey see, monkey do kinda guy. Into ham radio and valve audio. Does anyone do sat/video testing anymore. Nagra3?