
1779 Results for "『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 선릉셔츠룸㈄ 『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 Ηcake²셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸デwriter 셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸 선릉셔츠룸⒁셔츠룸사이즈┲exhausted⅔"

  • How do you use this site?

  • I have been mulling this question over a bit in my head lately; I tried putting a post together on my phone late last night, but the numbered list function didn't seem to play nicely with Android/Firefox. Oh well, more time to sleep on it I suppose.This...
  • Additional Resources

  • ---------- more ----------Arduino Open Source Hardware PlatformArduino is an open source hardware platform for making interactive objects that can sense and control the physical world. Since 2005, a worldwide community of "makers" has flocked to this...
  • HackadayPrize Chalk board for Dr.D

  • Garbage up cycle 1. Reuse old electronswaterChemistry knowledge is non existent, also is water Chemistrywave catcher the ocean is just sitting around it's time that giant free loader to push it's own wait
  • ZX Spectrum: Basics

  • Recently, obtained a copy of Retro Gamer Annual which gives full history and specifications to several older 8-bit consoles.Though working on building two machines, constructing a "test game" for the system (maybe an indie version of Super Mario...)...
  • Non-Intrusive Kill-A-Gallon

  • Okay, so pretend you aren't a hacker. You don't care about the latest in home automation, you don't know a volt from an amp, and you think it's okay to use that crappy 16-gauge 6' extension cord with a 1500W space heater. But you DO care about your power...
  • 2015 Event Links

  • 2/24 Reprogrammable Electronics 101: Arduino Workshop3/6-5/1 Postconsumer Electronics Show3/28 Cleveland Arduino Day4/14 LECTURE IN A BAR: APRIL - The Makers Alliance explores electronic instrument building!
  • Random Fun Things In My Collection

  • Hitachi HD68P01V07:Just Look at it!Seriously, it's got a socket for an EEPROM built-in!HOLY CRUD: It has *dual-procesor* support! paper appears to be for punch-cards....
  • today my chair broke

  • Seems like I have to build a captain Kirk chair sooner or later. Although you know you bought it cheap, it's always disturbing to know that a chair just broke under your weight. I'm thinking of a chair using rollers you'd see on a shopping cart, a rotating...
  • Future Projects Wishlist

  • Just a quick list of projects I'd like to do in the future:1) Guerrilla Net: Decentralized self repairing anonymized wireless mesh network, using low cost/ low power components. 2) Artificial Virtual Assistant: Running on dedicated server and using OpenCog...
  • $1/watt Solar Panels (Blems)

  • RX'd 975 watts solar panels today. Paid $1/watt including shipping for these. Fingerprints in corners from handling before encapsulating resin was fully dry, seems to be the blemish. These are new high efficiency SUN product. I will use a PWM controller,...
  • Teensy LC - Hackaday win

  • As part of the recurring competition on hackaday I managed to score some winnings!Sadly Mr Postman had other ideas than delivering my items when arrived so that's why I'm late to the game...This is my first Teensy board so after a quick Google-session...
  • New Project?

  • Circulate glycol around a firebox, heating the glycol like an on-demand water-heater. Am thinking to use an existing wood-stove, suited to wrap 3/8 copper tubing around the cylindrical (barrel type) firebox. Box is made of heavy 1/2 inch thick, 24-inch...
  • Summer Plans

  • So I finished my college exam (yes a few weeks ago, I think I'm fairly confident I passed, the plans for summer however anyways is portfolio work and projects, because I have work placement during second...