
138 Results for ""

  • ST-211

  • /*320  160 80  40  20  10  5  0    0   1   1   0   0  1 =   $1.25  = 0x19 =25  0    0   1   1  ...
  • Arduino Workshop-Light Sensor

  • In this project, we will use an LDR to detect light and a piezo sounder to give audible feedback of the amount of the light detected, a light-dependent resistor, or LDR. As the name implies, the device is a resistor that depends on light. In a dark environment,...
  • Arduino Workshop-Piezo Knock Sensor

  • Today in this project we are going to create a Piezo Knock Sensor, A piezo disc works when an electric field (voltage) is applied across ceramic material in the disc, causing it to change shape and therefore make a sound (a click). The disc also works...
  • Basic LCD Control- Arduino Workshop

  • we will create a demonstration project Arduino Basic LCD Control that will show off most of the functions available in the LiquidCrystal.h library. We will be using a backlit 16x2 LCD Display. You will need to obtain an LCD display that uses the HD44780...
  • Servo Control- Arduino Workshop

  • In this very simple project, you will control a single servo using Arduino and a potentiometer. A servo is a motor with a feedback system that helps to control the position of the motor. Servos typically rotate through 180 degrees, although you can also...
  • Dual Servo Control - Arduino Workshop

  • This project, we will create Dual Servo Control using Arduino, this time will control two servos using commands from the serial monitor. Required Component : 1.Arduino 2. Resistors 3. Standard RC Servo 4.Potentiometer 5. connecting wire...
  • Basic Touch Screen– Arduino Workshop

  • For this project, We know about Basic Touch Screen  Arduino and you will need a Nintendo DS touch screen as well as a breakout module. The latter is essential as the output from the touch screen is a very thin and fragile ribbon connector, and it...
  • Basic Stepper Control – Arduino Workshop

  • In this very simple project, you will connect up a stepper motor and then get the Arduino to control it in different directions and at different speeds for a set number of steps. Basic Stepper Control - Arduino Workshop simple project to show you how...
  • Resistance is fut^Wavailable

  • You're never safe from a good surprise ! A renowned electronic parts store in Paris (one of the too few remaining) found an old box in the back of their warehouse and sold its contents for such a ridiculous price that I bought the whole box. I happened...
  • Arduino Workshop-Piezo Sounder Alarm

  • Today in this project we are going to create a wailing alarm sound, By connecting a piezo sounder to a digital output pin this is very, this is a very simple project I will show you in this project step by step Required Component : 1.Arduino 2. Piezo...
  • Digital Pressure Sensor– Arduino Workshop

  • In this project, we are going to Digital Pressure Sensor– Arduino and learn how to use an MPL3115A2 pressure sensor, the MPL3115A2 digital pressure sensor from Freescale. This is a great sensor that is easily interfaced with an Arduino and provides accurate...