
235 Results for "3D%20printing"

  • Lighting Controller v4 Part 3

  • < Part Two  [Part Three] Following the previous part I've decided I need a case.I've done a bit of 3D design before in Blender and a few others.But I'd prefer to use OpenSCAD, because it turns the job from a design task to a programming task, which...
  • SoftEgg Hobby Computer

  • I've been sick, and so NanoEgg work that requires thinking just makes me more ill. In my feverish delusions, I thought "wouldn't it be great if we had useless hobby computers like we had in the 80's, that were only good for games and puttering?" And...
  • Plastic cameras

  • I created and shared two projects on photo cameras: L2Camera and LR Camera. The first has to do with photo equipment up-cycling and the second one is about fixing. In both projects I aimed to identify the main problem and solve it with the help of 3D...
  • Hardware hacking for fun and scientific research

  • Professor (Edwin) En-Te Hwu is currently an Associate Professor of the center of Intelligent Drug Delivery and Sensing Using Microcontainers and Nanomechanics (IDUN) in the Department of Health Technology at the Technical University of Denmark. He...
  • 0x03 NTTF - a PSU mod [another UPDATE]

  • I had to merge my "lab" with my living room to make space for a future flatmate. That means I pull all my projects from their dark, lost corners and places, see their flaws and want to revisit them. Like some of you told me, I was not really going to...
  • ATtiny Keychain Arcade

  • Ilya Titov created this adorable, tiny keychain arcade kit: ATtiny Arcade keychain game kit ATtiny Arcade is a little game made using Atmel Attiny85 microcontroller and an OLED screen. The kit is a great hobby project that requires assembly with a soldering...
  • DIY Bio Resources

  • Links to inspiration, companies, projects, and resources that have to do with DIY biology. (Sorry for the dump-style. The ambition is to come back and nicely organize all this). - what...
  • Linear PCB Motor

  • Open Source Linear Actuator from Carl Bugeja on Inspired from my pcb motor project, this project is aimed to make a very thin low-torque linear pcb actuator.The coils of this motors are made from 5/5mil coreless pcb windings. A 3d-printed...
  • Moritz Simon Geist

  • Moritz Simon Geist is a performer, musicologist, and robotics engineer. He started because he wants to invent the future of electronic music – with robots! Geist’s projects range from robotic music performances to robotic sound installations. His robotic...
  • Project Log 10/3/2018

  • Project Log 10/3/2018==================I've been really busy lately and almost forgot about this project. Thanks to Stephen Tranovich for reminding me to update it.The Synchronia♥Duet is my attempt at solving the problem of creating a musical instrument...
  • new videos for element14 presents

  • For the first new video I've finally worked some more on my R2-D2 vs. Johnny V mash up robot. You know, the one where I was too lazy to work on both, so I've joined them together :D Anyway, the matrix voice kit was a bit frustrating and I was all over...
  • Glowpop - a foldable light box

  • I'm thrilled to share a project that's very close to my heart – my new Kickstarter campaign, GlowPop. As someone deeply passionate about eye candy and synesthesia , I've poured my energy into creating something truly innovative. GlowPop is a sound reactive...