
267 Results for "arduino"

  • Getting Started with Arduino YUN

  • Arduino YUN is an integrated development board that combines the functionality of two boards into one unit. It allows Arduino to communicate with WiFi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee protocols. It can be used to build IoT projects with sensors and actuators....
  • Arduino Pro Trinket bubble display

  • @davedarko wrote in his LED displays on Arduinos – a collection project log on Pro Trinket – bubble displayWith 4 of HP QDSP-6064 bubble displays in a drawer I felt ready to do something with them and the “Clocks for Social...
  • Arduino Based TV Remote Project

  • Arduino Based TV Remote Project A couple years ago my TV remote broke. I had used one of those universal remote phone apps as an alternative for a while, but that just got really frustrating. Without the tactile feel of buttons it was too easy to press...
  • Dual Servo Control - Arduino Workshop

  • This project, we will create Dual Servo Control using Arduino, this time will control two servos using commands from the serial monitor. Required Component : 1.Arduino 2. Resistors 3. Standard RC Servo 4.Potentiometer 5. connecting wire...

  • It is known that the cooling machine is widely used in the industry. In this paper, I will show you how to use STONE HMI LCD as the display to combine the temperature sensor with Arduino esp8266 cooler application; the communication between the...
  • Arduino Workshop-Piezo Sounder Alarm

  • Today in this project we are going to create a wailing alarm sound, By connecting a piezo sounder to a digital output pin this is very, this is a very simple project I will show you in this project step by step Required Component : 1.Arduino 2. Piezo...
  • Arduino Workshop-Simple Motor Control

  • This tutorial we are going to Arduino Simple Motor Control, in one direction, using a power transistor, diode, and external power supply to power the motor and a potentiometer to control the speed. Any suitable NPN power transistor designed for high...
  • Digital Pressure Sensor– Arduino Workshop

  • In this project, we are going to Digital Pressure Sensor– Arduino and learn how to use an MPL3115A2 pressure sensor, the MPL3115A2 digital pressure sensor from Freescale. This is a great sensor that is easily interfaced with an Arduino and provides accurate...
  • Basic Stepper Control – Arduino Workshop

  • In this very simple project, you will connect up a stepper motor and then get the Arduino to control it in different directions and at different speeds for a set number of steps. Basic Stepper Control - Arduino Workshop simple project to show you how...
  • Soil Moisture Sensor for Arduino

  • Ever thought of a home automated watering system in your own garden? A garden that automatically gives the measurement of the moisture content of the soil, waters plants automatically and give you the readings of the wetness of the soil, then you will...
  • Basic Touch Screen– Arduino Workshop

  • For this project, We know about Basic Touch Screen  Arduino and you will need a Nintendo DS touch screen as well as a breakout module. The latter is essential as the output from the touch screen is a very thin and fragile ribbon connector, and it...
  • Arduino Workshop-Piezo Knock Sensor

  • Today in this project we are going to create a Piezo Knock Sensor, A piezo disc works when an electric field (voltage) is applied across ceramic material in the disc, causing it to change shape and therefore make a sound (a click). The disc also works...
  • Basic LCD Control- Arduino Workshop

  • we will create a demonstration project Arduino Basic LCD Control that will show off most of the functions available in the LiquidCrystal.h library. We will be using a backlit 16x2 LCD Display. You will need to obtain an LCD display that uses the HD44780...
  • Game Boy Printer vs. Arduino

  • I won the fubarino a while ago on because I worked a little easter egg into a Game Boy Printer library for the arduino. The printing from code was a work around since I never got the serial running. I ran into problems though, trying...