
473 Results for "DFLS1100-7"

  • Keyboard Controller with Joystick for MSX (2)

  • Added a second diode to enhance the detection And drafted some driver code that provides scan and decode that takes 98 bytes plus 5 RAM addresses. ; Scan Atari keyboard and single button joystick using ; and adapter with 74LS139 ; PSG IO addresses PSGAD:...
  • Reverse Engineering Meetup this Wednesday

  • The Mountain View Reverse Engineering Meetup will be meeting at Giovanni’s New York Pizzeria in Sunnyvale, CA this Wednesday, January 10th: We have the side room (ie including TV) reserved for talks.7:00-7:10: mingle7:10-7:50: “Reverse...
  • FM Towns Controller Board Schematic

  • From an image posted on foruns, the following pinout was obtained:Button Pin(s) UP 8 DOWN 5 LEFT 6 RIGHT 7 A 2 B 1 SEL 8/5 (through D1) RUN 7/6 (through D2) SW 4 COMMON 3and the schematic was drawn: finis!
  • CompTIA Net+ Certification Progress

  • Currently working towards getting my CompTIA Net+ Certification.Read up to Chapter 7 of Mike Meyer's Net+ (N10-008) book. Reviewed up to halfway through Chapter 4. Stuck trying to wrap my head around STP lol
  • ULN2003

  • ULN2003 is a 16 Pin IC, consisting of 7 Darlington pairs (each pair protected with suppression diode) and thus has the capability to handle a maximum of 7 loads (could be inductive).In simple words, we have 7 drivers...

  • notes: Here we want to make a project for the medical ventilator +STONE touch screen +STM32. In this project, we can choose the language and function, and draw the respiratory waveform by the way of random number triggering. When the key is pressed,...
  • How to Design a Cheap Plant Watering Sensor

  • This is the third part of the meta-tutorial, where I talk about designing a cheap plant watering sensor. If you did not already read the first and second part, please do it now. These parts contain a lot information which lead to this point of the tutorial....

  • This article documented the process of controlling the WS2812B_RGB lamp using the STONE display module. RGB lamp is a kind of lamp that we often see in our daily life. It is widely used, such as: city night scene, light show, indoor lighting, auxiliary...