
2110 Results for "%s"

  • Make a delicious cup of coffee.

  • It's not easy to make an effective and perfect cup of coffee, but if you have a right equipment then it's easy and simple, we providing you the best and high-quality milk frother at reasonable prices.
  • The best product Apple ever made

  • As ineffective as Tim Cook is, lions would consider the 12" ipad the best product Apple ever made, from a hardware standpoint. The software is shit of course. What works in our favor is when it's basically an 8.5x11 sheet of paper with video or a game...

  • ALESTA's Dynamic Partnership with JLCPCB: Paving the Path to Success In the realm of technological innovation, few events command as much attention and admiration as Teknofest Aerospace and Technology Festival - a colossal celebration of aviation, aerospace,...
  • How do 3D printers print concrete?

  • Welcome to 3D concrete printing, a game-changer in construction and design. This technology enables rapid construction of robust and intricate structures. It's not just a trend; it's a practical innovation that reduces waste and cost. From homes to...
  • Two types of motivation

  • The note (below the fold) was posted response to Eliot's recent "Goals and Goalposts" article. It occurs to me that learning about project motivation from makers is sort of like apprentice learning, as opposed to formal school learning. There's...
  • Sync date without NTP (for BeagleBone, Pi, etc)

  • I live in a place protected by a HTTP Proxy, so NTP doesn't work when I want to sync date for my SBCs as they don't keep the time when turned off.I found this command, which can be used to set the date by querying a Google server. Not so accurate as...
  • Smick: a Smart Brick for IoT

  • Smick's goal is to put IoT technology in everyone's hands. It is designed for anyone who wants to build interconnected objects but does not have the skills to do so. With the simplicity and power of the K language it's easy to create complex logic and...
  • Fooling Yourself with Quantum Mechanics

  • Here's how to deceive yourself in three easy steps:1.  Use Newton's gravity equation to calculate the position of a planet.  It works fine, but in its most common form contains the assumption that all the mass of the planet is concentrated...
  • Lipsync Build at CrashBang Labs

  • For Hackaday's Create Day 2018 we at CrashBang Labs will be doing a build of the Lipsync mouse. This device is a mouth operated joystick with a puff and sip switch for clicks. It allows paraplegics and others with limited use of their hands to operate...
  • The 6th language

  • The lion kingdom's 1st language was C64 BASIC, then 6502 assembly, then logo, then Applesoft BASIC, then GW Basic, & many years later, C, the 6th language.  It was extraordinary to finally be able to express the machine's native instructions in...