
438 Results for "arduino"


  • STONE intelligent display is widely used in the energy project field such as fuel dispenser, EV charger, solar system and etc. Nowadays more and more fuel dispenser manufacturers are replacing their 7 segments intelligent LCD display with the intelligent...

  • STONE intelligent display is widely used in the energy project field such as fuel dispenser, EV charger, solar system and etc. Nowadays more and more fuel dispenser manufacturers are replacing their 7 segments intelligent LCD display with the intelligent...
  • New Project - Blog Engineer Caiçara

  • Good afternoon folks! Today, Wednesday, is day electronics blog ... and continuing in our "Project of the Month" will talk how to make Scilab "talk" to the Arduino.Come check:
  • Smart Coaster

  • The Smart Coaster is an intelligent coaster for your beverages. It recognizes the different types of beverages placed on top of it, with a cocktail the Smart Coaster glows in some atmospheric and slowly changing colors. If you place a cup of hot tea...
  • Clock

  • A really simple clock.Arduino nano + Nokia 5110 screen + push button = clock for social good (support Ahmed).
  • Synth-related links

  • A lot of synth modules schematics by Ken Stone modular lab http://navsmodularlab.blogspot.deArduino audio input Arduino...
  • New Project - Blog Engineer Caiçara

  • Good afternoon folks! Today, Wednesday is the day of the electronics in the blog ... and continuing in our "Project of the Month", will talk about the necessary hardware for mounting and the sketch Arduino used in it.Come check ?! Link to access?
  • 2015 Event Links

  • 2/24 Reprogrammable Electronics 101: Arduino Workshop3/6-5/1 Postconsumer Electronics Show3/28 Cleveland Arduino Day4/14 LECTURE IN A BAR: APRIL - The Makers Alliance explores electronic instrument building!
  • Scania 144 Switches

  • UPDATE 09-11-2015: Currently I`m working on sorting out how the original Scania Dashboard equipment works. With the help of the Arduino community and Sim enthusiast we hope to find out all the pin layouts so we can use all parts in the Truck Simulator....