
1669 Results for "『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 선릉셔츠룸㈄ 『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 Ηcake²셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸デwriter 셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸 선릉셔츠룸⒁셔츠룸사이즈┲exhausted⅔"

  • Bitcoin in the HAD store?

  • When is bitcoin going to be accepted in the store? Not because I'm some purist, but because it's what I have to spend. I could get many of the items elsewhere at bitcoin accepting merchants, but would like to support HAD.
  • What's in your hacker toolkit?

  • I don't know about you, but I don't like being cooped up at home when I'm working on something.I like the idea that no matter where I go, whether at home, a coffee shop, my hackspace, a public park, or a hotel room in a foreign country, I can build something...
  • Lead acid battery smart charger and power supply ?

  • I need a lead acid battery charger for a 12V battery that is able to let the battery power a circuit with a stable 12V output when mains supply is off and charge the battery while powering the circuit when mains supply is on. Any ideas ? I'm planning...
  • 3d scanning

  • Question, aside from the 123d catch app, what other apps/devices are easy and cheap to use? is there a better solution? thanks
  • What is a hacker, really?

  • Never-mind my musings if you choose.What makes a hacker a hacker?Everyone has their own definition.Mine is simple.I 'break' ordinary things to make them do new things out of a desire to understand technology.That's it.
  • Huge RAM for retro/homebrew computers: brainstorm

  • It occurs to me there seems to be a large number of projects out there building computers out of oldish hardware... Running CP/M, Apple II games, whatnot, on the original processor...(?) Some seem to do a lot of mixing-up: an old CPU, with new FPGAs...
  • Go Kart ideas

  • I heave a basic plan, but I would like suggestions from the community. My plan is to weld a simple frame and add a high voltage capacitor to supercharge the motor. I am having trouble deciding how I will engineer the steering column, any ideas will be...
  • SMT to DIP Breakout Boards

  • Thought some of you might be interested in my project. I always seem to be short on SMT to DIP breakout boards so I started making my own. Please drop by and offer feedback, suggestions, or contributions.
  • Arduino, Raspberry Pi or beagleboard ?

  • Want to measure temperature and barometric pressure and log the data. The data will be used to trigger certain functions and turn on and off pumps etc.  Also I want to remote access and monitor it live...