
10233 Results for ""

  • All Things Sol-20

  • Normally when I undertake a reproduction project like this, I spend a lot of time on the internet researching my intended target. Usually the information I need is scattered across many sites and is often hard to find. Not this time though.Jim Battle...
  • Theory

  • A laptop keyboard is a diode-less key matrix. Its keys are distributed in a way that you can press the most important key combinations at once, despite the lack of diodes - to the point where some rows only contain one or two keys. Often, there's also...

  • A few motors, propellers, a camera, maybe a wire tether, and some waterproof electronics. Throw it all together and baby you’ve got an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) cooking! It all sounds simple on the surface, but underwater ROVs are a...
  • 2017-07-20

  • BasWheel v 2.00: Added tire_compatibility "rc1_10", added parameter rim_dxf, changed parameter names from dxf_filename to spoke_dxf and from spring_segments to spoke_segments, added spoke_type "Polaris_TerrainArmor" BasWheel v 2.01: Added spoke_type...
  • 1/20/19

  • At the time of initial publishing, this project is ongoing.  This airframe is the 3rd iteration of the project.  Hover testing and PID tuning were completed on 1/19/19.  The next hurdle to fly the plane traditionally (hand launch) to ensure...
  • Update 5/11/20

  • The 3D design is almost done, lots of tweaks and it's dispensing super well now.  Starting to wire up the electronics and work on the code!  Here's what it looks like on a breadboard, once this is done we'll move to a PCB:
  • The 20% solution

  • M5 recommends not using a brightness level above 20% when using the FastLED library (which is the library behind ESPhome's FastLED component). I'm pretty sure the reason for the recommendation is because of potential damage from heat generated by the...
  • 20 MHz success

  • I've built the prototype of the 20 MHz variant. In that one, the oscillator runs at 20 MHz, which means that the digital section has to be powered at 5 volts and the output actually comes from the ATTiny's timer 0. The board has a pair of DIP switches...
  • Log 20/01/2015

  • Some nice photos of the finished UPS. Notice how I cannot weld to save my life..... But it came out ok.
  • 8-13-20:

  • All parts printed and ready for a test tonight! Some parts are in need of minor changes such as; hex nut pocket hole width, bolt head pocket depth, and other minor things to make assembly easier. Photos updated as well. Once i get some photos from the...
  • 8-24-20: Wobbly

  • After some more testing of long exposures ive found that the wobble is nearly repeatable throughout all photos, it always makes a U or V shape. I took a time-lapse of the tracker at 5s intervals and found that the output does in fact wobble. Now working...