
772 Results for "%E3%80%8A%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8OIOX8489X83O6%E3%80%8B%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours%E2%94%903hoursrise%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours3hoursbehaved 3hours %E3%89%B2%E3%8E%9B3hours%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9each"

  • DAV5 V3.01 Raman Spectrometer

  • UPDATE 01/12/2018 6:31:PMTactical flashlight scan @ 2ms CCD 8-Bit (TCD1304DG) detector circuit test: A better 1st mirror alignment and a 2nd 150mW laser line test: The plot above has a FWHM value of 1.005nm resolution. Fixed the 1st mirror position,...
  • EDID Inserter

  • References to earlier prototypes have been popping up ever since I ruthlessly slit DVI cables to force DIL8s onto some of their pins a decade ago: the EDID Inserter hasn't become an off-the-shelf...
  • The nRF9160 Feather

  • This board can be powered several ways. The most popular way to power Feather boards is by using the USB port. This board is no exception. It works well across both USB and LiPoly batteries. The board is designed from the ground up to be power efficient...
  • NVictria / Cosmac Elf-VIP project

  • My project is divided into multiple parts, the big wooden box is the Main cabinet where the 1802 cpu, memory, display logic, i/o ports, PSU , 7 segment VFD tubes / display and a few switches. Sitting above the main cabinet is the LED " test tubes" display,...
  • Niryo One

  • More and more projects around desktop robotic arms have emerged but nothing really accessible and complete for us. That's why we are developing "Niryo One", using all the technologies in a 3D printer (Ramps, Stepper motors, ...) but with a huge improvement...
  • ShockBIT

  • ShockBIT is (2) small disposable electronic devices that attaches to a users wrists and will monitor hand motion and when the hand position is close to face (Above the shoulders) will emit a small, harmless electrical pulses (no more than 1 Second) to...
  • Biology simulation with LTspice

  • Opamp circuits:Repressilator: The repressilator is a genetic oscillator (3). Here we build an electronic approximation of the repressilator. Gene expression is represented by the output of opamps U2, U3 and U5 below. Protein concentration is represented...