
612 Results for "%E3%80%8A%EC%B5%9C%EC%A0%80%EA%B0%80 O1O%CE%9E5793%CE%9E7458%E3%80%8B %ED%8D%BC%EB%B8%94%EB%A6%AD%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EC%B0%A8%EC%9D%B4%C5%8B %E3%80%8A%EC%B5%9C%EC%A0%80%EA%B0%80 O1O%CE%9E5793%CE%9E7458%E3%80%8B %E2%87%92silver%E3%8F%82%ED%8D%BC%EB%B8%94%EB%A6%AD%EC%88%A0%EC%A7%91%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%ED%8D%BC%EB%B8%94%EB%A6%AD%E3%85%9Eproprietary %ED%8D%BC%EB%B8%94%EB%A6%AD%EC%88%A0%EC%A7%91%ED%8D%BC%EB%B8%94%EB%A6%AD%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EC%B0%A8%EC%9D%B4 %EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%ED%8D%BC%EB%B8%94%EB%A6%AD%C2%B9%ED%8D%BC%EB%B8%94%EB%A6%AD%EC%97%85%EC%86%8C%EC%8B%9C%EC%8A%A4%ED%85%9C%EF%BD%97sworn%E3%86%89"

  • ZX81 16K RAM Pack

  • Counting the GPIOs... With the intention of using the Raspberry Pico micro controller, I needed to understand how many GPIOs would be required to carry all of the necessary signals: 16 X Address Lines8 X Data LinesMREQ signalWR signalRD signal....
  • AT29C256 Flash Programmer

  • Programmer Design OptionsStrip-board works well (I use A$8 41 x 144 board), but I did look at using a mini-Mega2560: I  used an on-board Arduino Nano as they are cheap (and I have a couple of them lying around) and they provide serial and power.But...
  • Forced cooling without fans

  • According to some old data I posted back in july 2013, when I was installing it, the temperature of the LED test point is 110 degrees with no chimney, and 80 degrees after the chimney was added.Right now, I did a similar test with thermal imager. Without...
  • RF Product Design HackChat

  • All events take place in the #Hack Chat, join us there. Curious about the black magic that goes into RF? This #RFChat is for anyone who has ever designed or considered designing something that talks on RF. Come hang out for 30 or so minutes and talk...
  • Ever Blooming Mechanical Tulip

  • Tulip consists of 6 petals each with 5 SMD white LEDs. Each petal is connected with one of the Arduino output pins. Blossom hides 7 NeoPixel RGB LEDs. From an electrical point of view, the whole flower is ground and veins in petals are a positive voltage....
  • UltraTower

  • EDIT: I am correcting the details of the project indeed since the beginning in 08/22 the project has evolved a lot. Will we run out of water? There is water almost everywhere on earth but when we talk about fresh water, there is only 2.5% on our planet....
  • Archaeopteryx

  • The XMega32E5 doesn't map perfectly to the Mega328, so we're going to have to take some liberties with the pin mappings.Instead of having a separate AREF pin for the ADC, the XMega32E5 shares this function with A0. So in this design, A0 is connected...
  • MIDI Shoes

  • basic code for using - updates later/* MIDI note player This sketch shows how to use the serial transmit pin (pin 1) to send MIDI note data. If this circuit is connected to a MIDI synth, it will play the notes F#-0 (0x1E) to F#-5 (0x5A) in sequence....
  • Hacking the way to growing food

  • Licencing and IPAll codes/scripts are hosted at:[Will be updated before the 22/9/2015]Everything is released as Copy Left, For more info:>LicencesProject Prefaceabout me: Graduated with a Degree in Mechanical Engineering...
  • Aquaponic IoT Controller (NFT)

  • MotivationMy motivation for doing this project was to make life easier to all those aquaponics enthusiasts by automating the system so they can have a better control and monitoring of the system, and to allow them to experiment more easily with different...