
806 Results for "%EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D%E2%9C%9Aoptime4%E3%80%82com%EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%EB%A7%88%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80 %E2%9C%9A %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%E1%99%91 %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%84%E1%99%91 %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%ED%9C%B4%EA%B2%8C%ED%85%94 %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%ED%82%A4%EC%8A%A4%EB%B0%A9 %ED%83%80%EC%9E%84"

  • 2.4 GHz band Scanner

  • In this project, we will build a 2.4GHz Wlan scanner using the nRF24L01 radio board. In this project, the output delivers all the interference and information in the scanned area in the form of ASCII codes. In the project of making  this scanner,...
  • Cyberdeck for 2024 Challenge

  • When my station isn't in a radio silence and doing really Recon passively and connect my wire or buy 5G or Wi-Fi it will have access to my personally trained large language model, convolutional neural network, with several additional modules and an agent...
  • Rubik's-Cube-Solving-Robot

  • Rubik's-Cube-Solving-Robot Abstract Rubik's Cube, a 3-D combination puzzle invented by Ernő Rubik in 1974, is the World’s top-selling puzzle game and best-selling toy. Rubik's Cube is surprisingly complex, there are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 permutations...
  • A Traveler Has Arrived

  • Make contact. Unscrambled circles will get you _ _ _ _ _ _ Across: 3: this is what project #164913 is all about 5: dressed in stripes of BBROYGBVGW 8: I go clack and have an electromagnet 11: the brain of the circuit 13: one of the...
  • Playing Music with a 3D Printer

  • The Music FileThe song is stored as an array of bytes in song.h. Here is an example:const uint8_t song[] PROGMEM = { A3, 129, D2, G4, B4, B1, Gb4, A4, 129, E4, G4, 129, E4, G4, B1, 129, 129, D2, 129, 129, 129, Gb4, A4, 129, D4, Gb4, D2, 129, 129, B1,...
  • A Better Turret

  • Parts Bought the following parts: 2x NEMA 17 stepper motor - 68 oz in (400 steps/rev)1x Pololu universal aluminum mounting hub for 5mm shaft M3 holes (2 Pack)2x NEMA 17 stepper motor mounting bracket1x Nano 3.0 CNC board (uses A4988 stepper motor drivers)1x...
  • ZX81 16K RAM Pack

  • Counting the GPIOs... With the intention of using the Raspberry Pico micro controller, I needed to understand how many GPIOs would be required to carry all of the necessary signals: 16 X Address Lines8 X Data LinesMREQ signalWR signalRD signal....