
56 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • LambdaSpeak FutureSoft Edition

  • In a nutshell: For the Amstrad / Schneider CPC range of 8bit home computers Made possible by sponsoring and initiative from the one and only, legendary Future Man - TFM! Limited Edition - by invitation only RSX...

  • These are parts of AIME's operating system that I am beginning to shoe-horn into a Raspberry Pi or more probably a few Zero's networked together inside a smaller and less sophisticated quadruped. AIME was 3.2GHz dual-core intel powered and a lot more...
  • Raspberry Pi Zero NFC/Audio Skirt

  • Demo Background I am electrical engineer by trade, but in my spare time I like to make custom toys for my kids, particularly my son Ethan. Ethan has autism and sensory needs, which make most store-bought toys challenging for him to play with appropriately....
  • Jasper's Electronic Load R2

  • Arduino compatible Electronic Load 19V/5A/15W This the second revision of my electronic load. It is intended for testing DC power supplies, solar panels and battery capacity. It is special because the hardware and software is open source, it is Arduino...
  • Generic smart light disassembly

  • So I got this smart light bulb which is exclusive to The Source I think but the exact same bulbs are probably being sold in another packaging since they are pretty generic. Anyway being only 12$ I got a bit curious of how they could be so cheap when...
  • HC-SR04 I2C Octopus "octosonar"

  • There are not enough pins on a basic Arduino to provide 2 pins each to 8 HC-SR04 units. I2C bus would be the answer, but the bus itself is not fast enough for accurate echo measurement, and the only reference to an I2C library for these in the playground...
  • MappyDot

  • The MappyDot is part of a planned suite of enhanced sensor breakouts that offer additional measurement filtering, an easy to use I2C interface, crosstalk reduction and an automatic bus addressing scheme. This helps you integrate the sensor easily compared...
  • DIY PWM Driver

  • In this Project, I will show you how to make PWM Controller. I'm using the laminator for the toner transfer method. What things you will need: Copper - clad board (Dual Layer) Ferric Chloride (FeCl3) Acetone (Nail polish remover) Glossy Paper LASER...