
7547 Results for "↘ 최저가 Ò1Ò〈⑻⑷89〉83Ò⑥ ↗ 쓰리아워㏃ ㏐addition쓰리아워Ⅶ강남술집정보강남술집정보O Ч강남술집정보exhibit 강남쓰리아워к강남술집정보㎼Ŋmethod"

  • Sid the office robot

  • When a visitor to our site requests to control Sid our Node.js server adds them to the queue. When it's their turn they send movement commands and receive feedback in realtime using These commands are relayed from Node.js to the Rapsberry...
  • HydraBus v1 Rev1.5

  • HydraBus v1.0 Rev1.5 In Stock on DigiKey: Features of the HydraBus board: Very small board only 60mm x 37mm size (extensible with shield which can be connected on top or...
  • Laser Welder Retrofit

  • So, where I stand now. I ended up using a Mesa 5i25 PCI card and a 7i76 step/dir control card. The Yaskawa servos have pretty good auto tune so I decided to leave the PID loop up to the servo drives.Speaking of servo drives, that and the servo motors...
  • Vacuum System for Deposition

  • I picked up the vacuum system from Portland State two weeks ago from a professor I know. It was too big for the little things they do and by the time it warms up and pumps down there is no time left. So they decided to get rid of this system and build...
  • Speed up pkgsrc on retrocomputers

  • This HOW-TO explains a quick and easy way to speed up NetBSD pkgsrc compiling on retrocomputers. It was written because there are altogether too many distcc how-tos which are complex, require special build environments or make assumptions without explaining...
  • OCXO Sensitivity Measurement

  • For my GPSDO project I’ve opted for a Piezo 2940210 VCOCXO at 10 Mhz. There is a dearth of information on this particular module available online.(A notation notation: I utilize “E” notation to indicate orders of magnitude; thus 1.5E-6...
  • OpenXHC

  • Features:STM32F10x controller with hardware USB 2.0 FSRotary encoder ( quadrature output )Rotary switch ( 7 position )Switch buttonNOKIA 5110 LCD 84x48 [PCD8544]1.8' TFT 128x160 [ST7735R]EastRising ERC12864-4 COG LCD 128x64 [ST7565R]20x4 LCD [HD44780]Matrix...
  • Anatomy of a Claw

  • To make the claw open and close, a 24V solenoid is used to pull the plunger into the cavity and close the claw via the linkage.  There is a return spring that allows for the plunger to be pushed out and open up the claws.  this was added as...