
2877 Results for ""

  • The nRF9160 Feather

  • This board can be powered several ways. The most popular way to power Feather boards is by using the USB port. This board is no exception. It works well across both USB and LiPoly batteries. The board is designed from the ground up to be power efficient...
  • Rubik's-Cube-Solving-Robot

  • Rubik's-Cube-Solving-Robot Abstract Rubik's Cube, a 3-D combination puzzle invented by Ernő Rubik in 1974, is the World’s top-selling puzzle game and best-selling toy. Rubik's Cube is surprisingly complex, there are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 permutations...
  • 2.4 GHz band Scanner

  • In this project, we will build a 2.4GHz Wlan scanner using the nRF24L01 radio board. In this project, the output delivers all the interference and information in the scanned area in the form of ASCII codes. In the project of making  this scanner,...
  • Atari 2600 Bankswitch Cartridge

  • The Bankswitch cartridge implements the three most common schemes named F8, F6 and F4. The working of the bankswitches is depicted on the table below. Address -Address Lines-- Bankswitch/Bank selected 1 11 8K 16K 32K 2 1098 7654 3210 F8 F6 F4 $1FF0 0001...