
729 Results for "Reverse Engineering Blood Glucose Monitors"

  • Celestial tracker

  • Summary of Intentions I have an equatorial mount (Bresser Exos-2 which is similar to EQ5 ) without any tracker or GOTO device. I enjoy looking for celestial objects by myself. But handling the telescope becomes a bit hard on my back after several hours...
  • Micro8085

  • Micro8085 Development Board with Tiny BASIC So, what’s this? The Micro8085, an embedded development board with the Intel 8085 CPU, running Palo Alto Tiny BASIC. And with hardware support for GPIO, Timer, UART, SPI bus, e2mem, ADC, DAC, PWM and comparator...
  • Blues, Where's My Car?

  • Story When people think about asset trackers, typically they think about tracking things that should move: planes, trains, and automobiles. What we don't think about as frequently is keeping track of things that shouldn't move: statues,...
  • Earth Rover

  • The diagram below shows the subsystems and their major physical components. Connecting each physical component is an interface line that has to be physically connected and possibly addressed from a software perspective. Chasis Sub-System: After decades...
  • Project Precision

  • Way back in the late 80s, I remember seeing a TV show (I think it was Amazing Stories) which featured an interesting clock. It was round, black, about the same size as a normal wall clock, and all done up in LEDs. The LEDs appeared to be what I now recognize...