
6241 Results for "X%20%EC%98%AC%EB%A6%BC%ED%94%BC%ED%81%AC%20%EB%A6%AC%EC%98%B9%20CDDC7%EB%8B%B7%EC%BB%B4%20%E3%85%BF%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EB%AA%A8%EC%85%98%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8%20B77%E3%85%BFbepick%DA%B8%EC%9B%90%EC%97%91%EC%8A%A4%EB%B2%B3%20%EC%8A%AC%EB%A1%AF%EB%A8%B8%EC%8B%A0%E0%B2%A3%EC%84%9C%EC%B2%9C%EB%B3%B5%EA%B6%8C%EB%B0%A9%E1%B9%93%ED%95%9C%ED%99%94%EC%9D%B4%EA%B8%80%EC%8A%A4%EC%98%A4%EB%8A%98%EA%B2%BD%EA%B8%B0%E0%AD%80%EC%98%AC%EB%A6%BC%ED%94%BC%ED%81%AC%20%EB%A6%AC%EC%98%B9%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%20backpedal/"

  • Aquaponic IoT Controller (NFT)

  • MotivationMy motivation for doing this project was to make life easier to all those aquaponics enthusiasts by automating the system so they can have a better control and monitoring of the system, and to allow them to experiment more easily with different...
  • OpenCores PDP-8 on FPGA

  • From OpenCores PDP-8 page: Features In this FPGA implementation, the PDP-8 CPU can be configured to emulate the instruction execution of a PDP-8 (Straight-8), PDP-8/S, PDP-8/S, PDP-8/I, PDP-8/L, PDP-8/E/F/M, PDP-8/A, HD-6100, or a HD-6120. The...
  • The Little Green Tower

  • For lack of a better place, the Instructions project section gives a detailed description of the system.  Last update September 25, 2018. If you would like more information on the custom Raspberry PI board that controls the system, there is another...
  • Latitude E6400 Coreboot port

  • The main differences between the E6400 and the T400 are the SuperIO, the EC, and the use of DDR2 RAM instead of DDR3. The SuperIO is supported by coreboot, so it should just be a matter of including it in one of the files, but I may have to write new...
  • Secure wireless remote

  • Sparkfun's design uses LoRA radios, which has library support for Arduino that makes it very easy to send and receive complete packets. If you're going to go that way, then it makes sense that they designed a multi-packet exchange. And there's nothing...
  • YGREC8

  • After the explorations with #YGREC-РЭС15-bis, I reached several limits and I decided to scale it down as much as possible. And this one will be implemented both with relays and VHDL, since the YGREC8 is a great replacement for Microchip's PICs....
  • µHVPSU

  • EDIT : To be rewrittenProject Logs : First step : the schematicSecond step : the PCBOrdering PCBsQuick thingUPDATE : This project is not dead yet !!!v2.0•old description [I was playing around with Nixie tubes, and I was using a 10$ HV supply kit on eBay...
  • One Bit CPUs

  • One Bit CPUs There are a couple of one bit CPUs on the Internet. I have start with the MC14500B chip. This chip was used many years ago for PLCs but the documentation is still available:
  • Precision Reflow Oven Controller

  • In this project I will take a conventional toaster oven (any kind of toaster oven can be used) and design a precision controller to turn it into a reflow soldering oven. I know there are already plenty of controller kits available out there, but I hope...
  • MikroLeo

  • For now, updates are only being made to the github repository. Main Features: Implements a 4 bit CPU2k x 16 Program Memory (up to 4k)2k x 4 RAM (up to 4k)4 Output Ports (16 outputs)4 Input Ports (16...
  • The Great Resistor

  • This idea was born when i saw this project years ago: NOTE: There is a bug showing resistor values under 100 since gold nor silver can be displayed. AND the multiplier seems to be...