
129 Results for "amateur radio"

  • RTL-SDR With Upconverter and Case

  • I got my hands on an RTL-SDR a couple of years ago, and was thrilled at the amazing utility of these little devices. A simple $20 device and some free software (along with my desktop computer) gave me some of the functionality of much, much more expensive...

  • SBHT is based on the Analog Devices ADF7021-N Transciever and controlled by a STM32F4. Speaker and MIC circuits are on board to allow this data modem to also digitally transmit audio with various codecs either placed on the STM32F4 or off board AMBE...
  • Simple Digital Mode Transmitter

  • Motivation: I want to play with amateur radio digital modes (like FT8, WSPR, etc.). There are several software tools that can manage all the encoding/decoding, which use the soundcard to generate/receive audio waveforms, but I don't have a rig capable...
  • Tampa Hackerspace

  • Tampa Hackerspace is a non-profit, membership-driven workshop. If you like making stuff, we’re the place for you. We provide equipment, classes, and mentoring for many types of projects. Some of the projects our members work on: aquaponics,...
  • Environmental Sensor Hack Chat

  • Radu Motisan will be hosting the Hack Chat on Friday, September 7th, 2018 at noon PDT.  Time zones got you down? Here's a handy time converter! Environmental conditions have a major impact on our well-being and productivity. Environmental...
  • NPR New Packet Radio

  • NPR modems FOR SALE: Low prices (79$ fully assembled). International shipping. Note for USA: Due to CFR 47 Part 97 FCC regulations, for the 70cm amateur radio band (restriction to 100kHz and 56kBaud),...
  • Add DTR to cheap PL2303

  • Step 1: find the datasheet for the PL2303. Not hard. It did occur to me that this is probably a counterfeit PL2303, because it was so ridiculously cheap, and it was possible that it didn't have a real DTR line. (Fortunately, it does.) Pray that it's...
  • MorseMode

  • MorseMode is a hardware translator between (a subset of) ascii and international Morse code. It is mostly a "just for fun" project, but might have some limited practical application. A zipped copy of the current version of the project source code is...