
17534 Results for "S%20%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%EC%B6%94%EC%B2%9C%EC%97%85%EC%B2%B4%20CDDC7.COM%20%E2%99%AA%EB%B3%B4%EB%84%88%EC%8A%A4%EC%BD%94%EB%93%9C%20B77%E2%99%AA%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%ED%94%BC%EC%A7%80%EC%BB%AC%E0%BE%AA%ED%94%BC%EB%A7%9D%ED%8F%AC%EC%BB%A4%EC%BF%A0%ED%8F%B0%E2%98%B8%EC%B9%B4%EC%A7%80%EB%85%B8%EC%A7%81%EC%97%85%E2%8B%94%EC%8B%A4%EC%8B%9C%EA%B0%84tv%EC%A4%91%EA%B3%84%DA%A2%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%EC%B6%94%EC%B2%9C%EC%97%85%EC%B2%B4%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%20dissimilarity/"

  • 2.4 GHz band Scanner

  • In this project, we will build a 2.4GHz Wlan scanner using the nRF24L01 radio board. In this project, the output delivers all the interference and information in the scanned area in the form of ASCII codes. In the project of making  this scanner,...
  • GroveHat for the Arduino Nano

  • Technical specsThis breakout board targets the v3.x series of the Arduino Nano (and compatible clones), while trying to be usable with other boards like the Pro Micro and v2.x series of the Nano. It makes available Serial (TX/RX) line, Digital, Analog,...
  • SolidCore CoreXY 3D Printer

  • SolidCore CoreXY CAD Design In Fusion 360 All Metal Parts Our long term goal is to is to build a modular platform, not just a printer. Think of it as an ecosystem of parts that can be arranged in different configurations and adapted for unique applications....
  • ED Toy

  • ED (Electronic Discovery) is specifically designed to engage a family with a friendly faced gadget which is easy to assemble, write code for and encourages them to interact. Ideally this makes electronics a family hobby rather than something Dad does...
  • Noobs Arduino Chess Clock

  • Revision one will be all breadboarded. -- Basic code for player's times and reset. Revision two will use dedicated Arduino board. -- Simple case -- Add additional chess timing methods. Revision three will be PCB'ed properly. -- Custom case and switches....
  • Arduino Line Follower Robot

  • COMPONENTS AND SUPPLIES Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO×1SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298×1Proximity Sensor×1 APPS AND ONLINE SERVICES Arduino IDE ABOUT THIS PROJECT Line Follower Robot Best & Fast PCB Supplier (2$ for 10 PCBs)
  • ZX81 16K RAM Pack

  • Counting the GPIOs... With the intention of using the Raspberry Pico micro controller, I needed to understand how many GPIOs would be required to carry all of the necessary signals: 16 X Address Lines8 X Data LinesMREQ signalWR signalRD signal....
  • MikroLeo

  • For now, updates are only being made to the github repository. Main Features: Implements a 4 bit CPU2k x 16 Program Memory (up to 4k)2k x 4 RAM (up to 4k)4 Output Ports (16 outputs)4 Input Ports (16...