
1014 Results for "IoT"

  • How to build a Raspberry Pi NAS?

  • You may store data from your computer and mobile devices on external hard drives over your home or workplace wireless network with network-attached storage (NAS). You may connect your current storage devices, such as external portable hard drives...
  • ESP32 AI assistant

  • Introduction This project uses the Whisper and Codex models to create an AI assistant that translates voice commands into micropython.It is capable of understanding commands such as: “Create a task that checks the weather every 10 minutes at
  • Lora Data Sender

  • The DHT22 is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). It's fairly simple...
  • PassKey: Portable login dongle

  • The PassKey logins to your favourite websites using the stored passwords (that are never revealed to your browser computer, just to the website), achieving an unprecedented level of security without requiring any change in the Internet authentication...
  • Involt - prototyping framework

  • Project moved from Chrome packaged apps to node webkitInvolt website: translates CSS classes into functions. You only need to specify UI element, target pin and variables like desired values or their range.An example of...
  • Galaga meets IoT

  • GalagaIoTCreating a web based IoT Galaga high scores capture seemed like a worthwhile project. There are some good solutions that already exist that include JROKs fine Galaga Enhancement pack but it is bordering on unobtanium (for me in Aus) and does...
  • Autonomous rover/robot dog

  • Phases of K-9’s development, K-1 through to K-9 v1.0. 1. Make it possible for Rpi to accessed remotely. The only cable connection should be the power until inductive charging is complete.* If my home router is unavailable, try to connect to my phone's...